VASAB kutsub kaasa rääkima

Läänemere ruumilise planeerimise koostöövõrgustik VASAB kutsub kaasa rääkima Läänemere pikalise ruumilise arengu teemadel, vastates lühidale küsimustikule.

With the update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective on the way, we would like to invite you to take part in the online stakeholder survey.

The survey aims to collect various inputs and reflections on the four metaphors of the vision – the pearls, the strings, the patches and the system, each representing a different territorial element in the Baltic Sea Region. Your feedback will help us to complement, improve and nuance the VASAB vision 2040. Completing the survey will take about 10-15 minutes of your time.

The survey is available at

Küsimustik on avatud 1. novembrini 2021.